Derick Mildred, LinkedIn Coach Australia
LinkedIn Milestones
First joined LinkedIn on Oct 7, 2004.
Admittedly did very little with LinkedIn until early 2013.
Until in 2013 with just 207 connections he heard LinkedIn described as 'The business or the professional version of Facebook'. Now with a renewed interest he set about learning what worked on LinkedIn effectively.
Since early 2015 over 90% of his business has been generated from inquiries from connections on LinkedIn.
90,000 + Connections & Followers.
320+ Recommendations (Testimonials) on his LinkedIn profile.
Social Selling Index (SSI) Consistently ranked between 85% - 87%
Consistently in the top 1% - 2 % for Profile Views among his connections.
Has well over 100 Endorsements for each of his 50 Skills listed on his profile,
(Some Skills have over 1,000 Endorsements.).
Published on LinkedIn over 190 short articles.
Consistently publishes 2 - 3 posts per day on LinkedIn.
In 2020 his content achieved over 1 Million views.
32 Million + Content Views.
In his spare time, for over 22 years, Derick trained in and taught Kyokushin Karate.
Sensei Derick Mildred - Sandan (3rd Degree BlackBelt)
First started Kyokushin Karate in 1998 and continue to this day. On the wall in the dojo is a very important sign that reads
'The Spirit of Kyokushin Never Gives Up!'
"It is this 'Never Give Up' attitude that gave me the strength and mental fortitude to keep believing in myself, to keep moving forward, to just take one step and then another that has delivered me to where I am today."
Derick has competed in Full Contact tournaments on a Sate, National and International levels.
Tournaments Highlights:
2006 Victorian United Martial Arts Championships Open weight - 1st.
2009 Competed in The Kyokushin Union Japan Tournament in Nagoya.
2007 Competed in The Kyokushin Union Japan Tournament in Nagoya.
Sensei Derick started training in Judo from the age of 6 - 14 and achieved the level of brown belt. Years later he became interested in Kyokushin karate and from the very beginning he was hooked.
In 2011 Sensei Derick was invited by Hanshi Eddie Emin to grade for his Sandan in Japan. He was allowed to complete the technical part of his grading in Japan and then complete the kumite part in Australia.
As an instructor, Derick aims to educate his students on as many different aspects of karate as possible and still expect high standards technically, physically and mentally.
A more personal note!
"It has never been my intention to describe myself and what I've achieved to impress you, more so to impress upon you what can be possible when you try.
Thanks to the GFC of 2008 I lost everything including my house, I wound up completely broke, over $150,000 in debt and on social security.
Back then would have been the perfect time to give up, but I chose to believe in myself, to believe in my dream, to acquire more knowledge about what works and what doesn't, a lot of this knowledge came from experience, my own trials and errors over the years.
To be 100% honest, I'm not an 'Ironman', I'm not a 'rocket scientist' , I'm just an ordinary guy who believed in himself, who had a dream that never gave up!
I never did a course on LinkedIn or any other Social Media, I just persisted until I achieved the results I wanted.
If I can do it then so can you!
Here's the best part.
Now you get to save time, money and effort by applying what I have already figured out to work.
I wish you abundant success and importantly happiness in the enjoyment of your journey."
Kindest Regards from
Derick Mildred